You are relocating or planning to do it, and probably you have gone over all the tips for a smooth settling. If you have not done it yet, do some research and plan, it will save you from some trouble. Unforeseen events will always appear, but when you plan your future steps, there are fewer unexpected things upcoming, it is easier to deal with them, and it minimizes certain risks.
Moving is one of the most stressful life events, and as unique individuals, we experience stress, anxiety and depressive moods in different levels. It is an emotional rollercoaster, but at the same time, relocation presents an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth. It brings unexpected opportunities: intellectually, socially and culturally.
When you are relocating, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. You may think that it is a start from scratch, which is partially true, but it is still you, with your history, dreams, fears, abilities and skills. Maybe you are thinking of those stories about moving and getting a new identity and a new personality. Briefly, it is possible. You just need a tremendous will and a fantastic ability, but in the end, you will be fighting your-inner self. No need for that, it is easier to develop self-awareness and confidence, accept your inner-self and shape it!
Acclimatization to a new environment can be challenging. It takes time finding a new place to live and a school for the children, getting used to the new surroundings, the new job, building a routine and making friends. Moreover, you may experience feelings of loneliness, cultural shock, lack of belonging and the loss of friends and family can be rough.
It is a fact that for living abroad you need to be flexible and have an open mind; otherwise, you will struggle a bit. In addition to this, take into account the stress of adapting to new work colleagues and dynamics, with the pressure of making a good first impression. Remember, getting to know how to do your new job independently will require between 3 to 6 months approximately.
I know that you want to rush up things, but slowing down helps. Step by step. You do not want to stress yourself from the start! It is wise to have an appropriate mental hygiene:
-Eat your meals, sleep well and exercise a bit every day.
-Develop self-awareness and accept yourself.
-Express your feelings and emotions.
-Set realistic goals and start with the easiest.
-Focus on the things you like doing.
-Embrace leisure.
-Develop your social network.
Now, ask yourself: who am I (go deeper than your name, I know you can do it), what am I doing here, what am I pursuing, what is the cost and how much am I willing to pay, how do I treat the people surrounding me and vice-versa, and how do I feel about it. I challenge you, look at yourself on the mirror and say it aloud. Listen to it. Go as deeper as you can. We are like onions, continue peeling, and remember to be careful. It might hurt. Change and transformation starts here.
Or do you need help? Do not hesitate and look for it. Here I am.